Listening is the music of music.
The silence of silence? Noise, (Cage, 1968)
The noise of noise? Music, (Attali, 1986)
The art of art? Autopoiesis, (Pound, 1908)
The provability of proofs? Metasystems, (Gödel, 1931).
The computability of computation? Abstract automata, (Turing, 1936).
The control of control? Cybernetics, (Wiener, 1948).
The hierarchy of hierarchies? Holons, (Koestler, 1967).
The psychanalysis of psychanalysis? Schizoanalysis, (Guattari and Deleuze, 1968)
The distinction of distinctions? Form, (Brown, 1969).
The cycle of cycles? Hypercycles, (Eigen, 1971).
The formation of forms? Catastrophes, (Thom, 1972).
The perception of perception? Eigenbehaviour, (von Foerster, 1973).
The ordering of order? Spontaneous Social Orders, (von Hayek,1975).
The reality of reality? Communication, (Watzlawick, 1976).
The structuring of structures? Dissipative Structures, (Nicolis and Prigogine, 1977).
The organization of organization? Synergetics, (Haken, 1977).
The nature of nature? Complexity, (Morin, 1977).
The boundary of boundaries? Fractals, (Mandelbrot, 1977).
The dimension of dimensions? Fractal dimensions, (Mandelbrot, 1977).
The system of systems? Living Systems, (Miller, 1978).
The production of production? Autopoiesis, (Varela, 1979).
The loop of loops? Tangled Hierarchies, (Hofstadter, 1979).
The life of life? "La Methode” for thinking complexity, (Morin,1980).
The evolution of evolution? The self-organizing Universe, (Jantsch, 1980)